Application Instructions
Program is offered from June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2026 or until funds are exhausted.
Incentive values and measures may be modified or terminated at any time without prior notice.

Verify Your Eligibility
- Applicant must verify that they are a business customer of PECO (commercial, industrial, governmental, institutional and non-profit).
- Project must include a facility improvement that results in an upgrade to electric energy efficiency (kWh) and/or a permanent reduction in electric energy usage.
- All equipment must be installed in facilities served by PECO, with a valid PECO account number on an eligible PECO non-residential rate.
- See this link for the Resources Page:
Submit Your Application to Reserve Funds
- Log in above to create and submit your application.
- Incentive funds will be reserved when your application is approved.
- Complete the Project Scope pages in this application for each measure that you are installing.
- For some projects, a pre-installation inspection will be required. Most projects require documentation of the equipment being replaced.
- Incentive funds are reserved for 90 days. Contact the PECO Energy Efficiency Solutions for Your Business team for questions re: funding reservations and extensions.
Install Equipment or Perform Project Work
- The equipment installed must meet or exceed the specifications and requirements found in the measures tables and detailed in the Application Manual. Equipment must be installed within the program period.
Submit Final Application
- Submit a Final Application within 180 days of project completion, but no later than May 15, 2026. Include the following documentation with your Final Application: Customer/contractor information, a signed Final Application, itemized invoices, specifications and an updated scope of work. All projects that include lighting will require a completed TRM Lighting Worksheet, which can be found at:
- The program team will review your Final Application. For some projects, a final inspection will be part of the final review. The program team will send incentive checks four to six weeks after your Final Application is approved.
Application Checklist
Download the Application Checklist to ensure that you have
everything required for a complete application.

Pre Application
- Incentive application completed
- Work scope completed in appropriate page (optional)
- PECO account # or copy of current PECO bill
- Documentation of existing equipment such as photos, inventories, etc.
- Lighting Worksheet* (for lighting projects)
- New Equipment Specifications/Cut Sheets
- Building Permit and COMCHECK report (New Construction projects only)
Final Application
- Signed Final Application agreement
- Documentation of new and existing equipment such as photos, etc.
- Final Work scope in appropriate page (optional)
- Equipment Specifications/Cut Sheets (if scope has changed)
- Lighting Worksheet* (if scope has changed)
- Certificate of Occupancy (for New Construction projects only)
- Itemized invoice
- Form W-9 for the payee
I have an Electric or Gas Emergency
Call the PECO Emergency Line at 800-841-4141.
How do I find the application?
On the website: or contact us at 1-844-4BIZ-SAVE (1-844-424-9728).
Is there an online application?
There is an Online Application on our website:
Who can I call to get started?
1-844-4BIZ-SAVE (1-844-424-9728).
Can I submit an application for a project, even though I am not the PECO account owner?
Yes, but you need authorization from the PECO Account Owner, and they need to electronically sign the application form and submit their PECO account number.
How can I get training on the application?
Contact us at 1-844-4BIZ-SAVE (1-844-424-9728) and we can have an Outreach Representative call you back.
Will Energy Management Systems be eligible for rebates?
Contact us at 1-844-4BIZ-SAVE (1-844-424-9728) and we can have an engineer discuss with you how to handle custom projects.
What type of LED's are eligible?
All LED's must either be Energy Star or Design Lights Consortium (DLC) listed.
Can I get a rebate for lighting bought at large box retail stores?
Possibly. If it was already bought at a store that participates in the PECO pre-discounted lighting program, you may have already received a PECO rebate. If not, it could be eligible for an incentive under our program. Please contact us to check.
I have a CHP project - what do I do?
Contact us at 1-844-4BIZ-SAVE (1-844-424-9728) and we can have an engineer discuss with you how to handle CHP projects.
What do I do if I have a complicated project?
Contact us at 1-844-4BIZ-SAVE (1-844-424-9728) and we can have an engineer discuss with you how to handle custom projects.
What if I have a project for an item or technology that is not listed on the application?
Contact us at 1-844-4BIZ-SAVE (1-844-424-9728) and we can have an engineer discuss with you how to handle custom projects.
Can I apply for a Custom measure, even if there is a prescriptive measure?
Contact us at 1-844-4BIZ-SAVE (1-844-424-9728) and we can have an engineer discuss with you how to handle custom projects.
What incentives do you have for new buildings or new construction in this program?
Most New Construction measures are now "prescriptive". Lighting Power Density, HVAC units, can all be eligible. Contact us at 1-844-4BIZ-SAVE (1-844-424-9728) for more details.
Are the incentives for Efficient Design of new buildings?
Contact us at 1-844-4BIZ-SAVE (1-844-424-9728) and we can have an engineer discuss with you how to handle New Construction projects.
Can I get rebates for my residence?
Possibly! There are separate programs for Commercial and Residential customers. Please contact the PECO Ways to Save for Your Home program at 1-888-5-PECO-SAVE (1-888-573-2672).
Other PECO Programs
I just got a visit from a PECO rep (Small Business Direct Install) - is that legitimate?
Yes, there is a separate sub-program intended to help small businesses participate in the program. This program can include no cost energy assessments for PECO small business customers. These assessments are designed to identify potential opportunities for energy savings and incentives. For more information, please visit or call 1-844-4BIZ-SAVE.
How do I become a Trade Ally?
Contact the Marketing Team for an application at
What documentation is required to submit an application?
See the application checklist .
Is a PECO bill required for a pre-application?
No, a copy of the customer's PECO bill is not required, but a valid, current PECO Account number is.
What is an "itemized" invoice?
An itemized invoice shows the detailed items purchased as part of your project, and includes the quantities and Equipment Model numbers of those items.
Are pre-inspections required?
A Pre-Inspection is required for some projects but not all. We will notify you if an inspection is needed prior to starting your project.
How do I fill out the Lighting Application/TRM Form Appendix C?
Please contact us for training. We will have an Outreach Representative contact you, or if you have a specific technical question, we can have an Engineer contact you.
Approximately how long will it take to get paid for the incentive after we submit the required final documents?
Typically 4-6 weeks after final approval.
What if my project is already complete - can I still apply?
Yes. Project applications can be submitted for projects that have been installed up to 180 days ago, but not before June 1, 2021.
I have an existing application for a project, but it will take longer than 90 days. Can I get an extension on my reservation?
Yes, but we will need proof that the project is in progress and a written request why the extension is needed.
Does the customer have to sign the pre application page?
No. However, the customer is required to sign the Final Application Agreement in order to receive an incentive.